Fallen Heroes

Pre­lim­i­nary project in the con­text of Linz09 /// 

Siegfried, Kriemhild, Gun­ther, Brun­hild. From 1941 to 1945, two of these heroes of the Nibelun­gen­lied epic stood on the Nibelun­gen­brücke bridge in Linz. The fig­ures in this colos­sal eques­tri­an stat­ue were cre­at­ed by sculp­tor Bern­hard Graf Plettenberg.

Fall­en Heroes pro­vides a crit­i­cal con­fronta­tion with the sig­nif­i­cance of mon­u­ments from the Nation­al Social­ist era. Four of the Nibelung rid­ers have been brought back to life for this project – only to leave them at last to their pre-deter­mined des­tiny afterwards.

Con­cept: Thomas Philipp, Doris Prlic
Tech­ni­cal real­iza­tion: Diet­rich Killer
Conctent-relat­ed sup­port: Uni­ver­si­ty of Art Linz, Archives of the City of Linz, Insti­tute of Social and Soci­etal Pol­i­cy at the Johannes Kepler Uni­ver­si­ty of Linz

(Pho­tos: Chris­tine Pilsl/qujOchÖ)